Easter this year consisted of a few Easter egg hunts, meeting the Easter bunny lots of good Easter food and all of the attention on Wyatt. Is that really a surprise?! Here's a few pictures of our Easter baby:
Pelican Marsh Hunt
(I know awesome work uniform, right?!)
Ave Maria Easter Egg Hunt
I got one guys...
Please no more pictures!
And just for fun here's a random Tuesday night kind of picture. We were driving down 41 and all of the sudden we saw this delicious looking BBQ, in a trailer, in a parking lot. Who can turn that down? They had pulled chicken tacos, BBQ pork roast sandwiches and Key Lime pie of course. Apparently Wyatt had a crush on the girl running it:)
P.S. We finally got Wyatt's 1 year old pictures taken so you can get excited for that. Yes, I realize he's now 14 months old, but once a procrastinator always a procrastinator. Thank goodness for digital cameras, I don't think I've missed too many shots in the last two months:)