Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is Wyatt.
This is Wyatt helping with laundry.
First he opens the basket,
puts in the dirty clothes....
and then some.
Caught him.
At least I thought I caught him, that was until I went to sort the clothes and this is what I found:
Here's what was in the next day's load:
Tricky Baby:)
Thanks for being Mommy's helper!


  1. The cutest!! Love that he's running around with no pants. Wish it was warm here so we could do that...Brynlee that is.

  2. I'm glad you caught them BEFORE doing the wash :) What a sweet little helper.

  3. So stinking cute! Wait until he starts putting rocks and candy in his pockets. . . those are always fun once you find them after being in the dryer :) Can't wait for you to be here, it is taking WAY too long to see yoU!
