Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sawyer's Surprise

Sawyer Andelin Hensley
4 lbs 6 oz; 18 in
4:35 PM

Yep, that's a regular size candy cane
and newborn size clothes

Here's what we were doing the day it all started:

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wyatt and I decided to fly home for a couple weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving and give Adam some peace and quiet while he studied for finals (I am laughing right now writing this because finals for Adam was far from peaceful, poor guy). Plus I was going to be too pregnant to fly home at Christmas so this was our final trip home until graduation in May.
So it's Thanksgiving, not just any day mind you, but a day of extra relaxing and extra food. Weird that I went into labor right after all that laziness. We went with my family to spend the weekend in Bear Lake at my parents cabin. The day consisted of watching some football, eating lots of good food, playing some games/puzzles, chatting with my Gram--all super low key activities. I will admit for some reason I was feeling extra pregnant like I couldn't eat very much and I was just really big. I thought to myself do I really still have 2 more months of this?! Little did I know...
I had my first contraction around 7:00 that night and I told my oldest sister Lisa, "I just had my first painful contraction, weird." That was the end of that conversation. Nobody, including myself, thought another thing of it. Until 8 hours later when they really started to come, a lot, and painful. To make a long story a bit shorter here's the timeline:
  • 2:30 am Wyatt threw up all over both of us
  • 3:15 am After we got all cleaned up and were snuggled on the couch I started having contractions anywhere from 5-20 minutes apart
  • 6:30 am Called Adam in Florida to tell him I had been having contractions but we both figured it was false labor
  • 11:00 am After 8 hours of fairly consistent contractions we decided to drive to Ogden to be near a hospital just in case
  • 1:30 pm Checked in at Labor & Delivery after having contractions every 10 minutes down the canyon
  • 2:00 pm Dialated to a 4.5 and 100% thinned--Called Adam to say they think if I am on bedrest we can make it another week or two so he can take finals and then come
  • 2:30 pm Moved to a room still having hard contractions called to tell Adam we might be able to hold off for 2- 3 days
  • 3:00 pm Dialated to a 7 called to tell Adam it will be within the next 24 hours so find a flight
  • 3:30 pm Got my epidural, Adam bought a ticket for the last flight of the day and was driving to the airport
  • 4:15 pm Adam called to say he was in his plane seat, I was dialated to a nine and on my way to the OR (I delivered there since it's by the NICU)
  • 4:35 pm Sawyer was born and it was sad Adam missed such a great experience
  • 4:45 pm Adam's flight took off
  • 6:15 pm Adam called from Atlanta and found out he had a sweet, healthy baby girl
  • 6:16 pm It was decided that I will never fly anywhere without Adam while I am pregnant:)
Welcome to the world Sawyer!

Luckily both my parents were able to be with me when I delivered (my dad came in as the doctor and they stayed way above my head for all of our comfort:)
She came out pink, squirming and breathing on our own...I guess she really was ready to come
Wyatt's such a nice helper
My first time holding Sawyer, don't judge I'd been up almost 24 hours at this point
Love all that hair
This picture is so sad it's cute:)
She was mad she couldn't come home yet
Some perspective on just how tiny she was...
Adam's first snuggle,
look at the size of that binkie!
Her hospital room
Adam's crafty and made her this cute sign
Leaving the hospital
Wyatt meets Sawyer
Cute little bum
and face:)
Don't worry she's caught up fast, she already met Mickey
We're so lucky this little miss surprised us, we've been able to have 2 bonus months to fall even more in love with her
The moral of the story is if you ever go into spontaneous might not be the most convenient, but you'll sure get a really cute baby out of the whole thing:)
Make that TWO really cute babies!


  1. What a crazy surprise! I can't even imagine going through that. I am so glad Sawyer is healthy and that everything is going well. She is absolutely beautiful! I love the moral of your story :) Way to be super mom and send out Valentine cards. You are amazing.

  2. Love her! I couldn't get over how ITTY BITTY she looks in that family picture on your Valentines card. I am so happy all turned out well. And let's hear it for 7 months of pregnancy!

  3. That is a crazy story! But I am glad everything turned out ok:) She was so tiny and adorable! Congrats to you have two very cute kids.:)

  4. she is beautiful! congratulations to each of you. i'm so glad she made it here safe and sound.

  5. Oh my goodness, she IS so adorable!!! I can't wait to meet her (wish it was going to be in Florida). You sure have a BEAUTIFUL family! Great to hear your voice yesterday, let's talk soon! Miss you!
