March 3, 2010
Hallelujah!! 19 more days, the time is almost here for us to meet our baby and for me to not be huge anymore:) Okay, so the pregnancy thing has really been great for me, but it will be so nice to sleep on my stomach again, ya know what I mean?!
First, here's a picture of the baby's room. Okay, in a two bedroom apartment he doesn't actually get a room...more like a space or actually a corner of the second bedroom but hey, it works!
I am planning on hanging the letters of his name in between the curtain and the crib, but since it's still undecided I guess that will happen after he gets here. Yes, a very unoriginal idea, but a good idea for whoever thought it up! We have about 10 names on the list, so I guess we'll just bring that to the hospital and call him each of them until one fits?! Who thought naming a baby would be so hard?!
Then a picture of me in all my glory, that's right 37 weeks pregnant. I still feel great--minus the not being able to sleep part. I thought this is when you're supposed to store up on sleep? Not the case here sorry to say!
Oh, what's're wondering why there's a changing table in our front room next to the long board and the book shelf? Just keep saying to yourself 2 bedroom apartment after 2 1/2 years of marriage equals a lot of stuff. We put things where they fit! So, I suppose the apartment's ready for him to come home, his car seat and diaper bag are ready to go. My hospital bag--not ready yet, but I am a last minute packer like that. Oh, and it just so happens that Adam has Spring Break the week I am due. What luck!!
We are so, so excited now if time could only move a little quicker...